I seriously need help here in New Zealand, Aotearoa NZ.  It looks like I’m spending the night hiding under a dam table again.


The Project

The project is an introduction work space for organizations, projects and  startup business where individuals or a group environment get to explore world wide web.  Supporting the next generations and there idea’s.  Kind of  like a entrepreneur startup package with a broader channel, support, including the online support networking systems, and easy access to digital services and needs.

Like minded mindsets

The fish theory.  Importance of attitude.  Training and techniques.


Educational Programs

The new journey programs start here.

Structural Engineering Open Source

The new journey programs start here.

National Council of Governments

The beginning of Aotearoa NZ

The new journey programs start here. Blog like form per council body.  Or something similar live broadcasting channel.

Network Prospects and Support

The new journey programs start here.

Digital Prospects

Creating Innovative Development

The new journey programs start here.

Network Marketing Support

The new journey programs start here.

Import and Export Goods

Systems Implemented Services

The new journey programs start here.

Idea Proofing